SUNDAY 2/27 - 5:30 p.m. (sign up 5 p.m.)
Peter Chelnik's "Prairie Fire Jazz Poetry"
Linda Leedy Schneider (poet)
George Wallace (poet)
Host PETER CHELNIK (poetry)
Bob Feldman (tenor sax) & Lawrence Goldman (acoustic bass)
The Open Mic
314 W. 54th St. (bet. 8th & 9th Aves.)
Hell's Kitchen, NYC 10019
Beckman Theater 2nd Floor
(212) 581-3044
By Subway: C or E to West 50th Street
Walk north to West 54th Street, west to theatre
Admission: $5
Linda Leedy Schneider

Linda Leedy Schneider is an award-winning internationally published poet and writer, individual poetry and writing mentor, psychotherapist in private practice, and college writing instructor. She facilitates writing groups at Gilda’s Club for people living with cancer. A writer since able to hold a pencil, Linda's volunteer work in orphanages in Albania motivated her to submit her poems and prose for publication. Her work has since been published in over 200 literary magazines including Rattle Magazine, The Spoon River Poetry Review, Pudding Magazine, Driftwood Review, Midwest Poetry Review, Miranda Literary Magazine, ONTHEBUS, and The Pedestal Magazine. Linda has written five collections of poetry including Through the Lattice: Poetry of a Psychotherapist, Argonne House Press, 2002, and Through My Window: Poetry of a Psychotherapist, Pudding House Publications, 2007. She has recently been featured poet at The Back Fence, NYC, Peter Chelnik's Prairie Fire Series, NYC and The Saturn Poetry Reading Series, NYC. Her poetry is included in the world poetry anthology, Not A Muse, Haven Press, 2009. Many of her writing students have been published as well. She is currently editing an anthology of her student's poetry. Linda believes that a regular writing ritual leads to discovery, authenticity, personal growth, and even Joy. She can be reached at
George Wallace
George Wallace (born March 22, 1949 in Hempstead, New York) is an American poet and poetry organizer.
George Wallace

Working from a base of operations in downtown New York City's poetry scene, from his family roots in Brooklyn and Long Island, and from his experiences living and working in Northern California, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Oregon and the United Kingdom, Wallace has created a grassroots network of venues for poetry.
His own poetry, in particular his performance oriented work, is imagination-based in its creation, emerging from a process of wordplay, surrealist deconstruction and bricolage into a final form that is typically characterized by accessible narrative and forceful rhythmic impetus. It is built on a foundation of a musical talent that emerged at the age of four, when he began reading and performing music, and shaped by his extensive readings in the literature of European Surrealism, the Whitman/Sandburg vortex, and the Beats. His work also bears the mark of 1960s concerns, particularly the social witness and aesthetic consciousness of that time.
His organizational efforts on behalf of poetry are based on professional training and disposition to community service developed through graduate studies with Guy Stuart and others at UNC-Chapel Hill in the mid '70s.