SUNDAY 5/30 - 6pm (sign up 5:30pm)
Peter Chelnik's "Prairie Fire Jazz Poetry"~features~
AC HAYLEY (vocals & bass)&
The Open Mic@
314 W. 54th St. (bet. 8th & 9th Aves.)
Hell's Kitchen, NYC 10019
(212) 581-3044 $5

AC Haley is a singer who accompanies herself on electric bass. After a career as a ballet dancer Ms. Haley turned her talents to music and is now performing in her self-styled cabaret, "Effervescent Hour." The show is an eclectic mix of classical music, contemporary songs, Broadway and choral offerings as well as Haley's own compositions. She has performed at numerous venues in NYC including; The Reprise Room at Dillons, Jim Caruso's Cast Party at Birdland, The Algonquin Salon, The Recoup Lounge, and Vox Pop. Ms. Haley also sings in the Brooklyn Conservatory Chorale under the direction of Nelly Vuksic. She continues to study voice and bass privately. More can be seen and heard at:
Dominick Arbolay has published his prose poems in World, Hanging Loose, U.S. Latino Review, The Paragraph, The Culvert Chronicles, and Mobius, The Poetry Magazine, where he serves as associate editor. He has published a chapbook of prose poems, The Phantoms, and moderates the peer group workshop at the Poetry Society of America. Mr. Arbolay also writes short stories, and is completing a series of stories about French writers that take place in 19th century Paris. The first two installments have been published in a chapbook, La Boheme. He has read at the Back Fence, The Bowery Poetry Club, Poets Corner, A Gathering of Tribes, the late Red Room in Hell’s Kitchen, the PSA, and a sports bar a few blocks away from the old Yankee Stadium. He has also traveled widely, from Brazil, Bhutan, Chile, China, France, Kenya, India, Morocco, Spain, and Guatemala.
Elise Buchman graduated from CCNY with an MFA in Creative Writing, where she won the Marilyn Sternglass Award for Writing, The Pam Laskin Children's Writing Award, and the Malinche Prize for Translation. Her work has been published in Promethean,, Poetry in Performance, The Brownstone Poetry Anthology 2010, Dinner With the Muse, and The Best Poems & Poets of 2005, among others. She was recently featured as the Guest Children's Poet at the 38th Annual City College Poetry Festival, and her first book, Animal Crackers and Their Friends was published by Publish America in 2009. She writes for both children and adults.